Friday, 15 November 2013

GET your Winter Urn ready!

It was a beautiful day here in Southern Ontario, so we took the morning and finished the garden chores.
Though pruning, mulching and bulb planting are important, we also took the time to prepare our winter urn arrangements!

We have been blessed with a warm spell making it the perfect time to dig in.
Our Canadian winters can be a bit temperamental - dry, windy and even day's of warmth will roll through before the deep freeze set's in to stay.
We don't know about you but, we find nothing more disappointing then a dried out holiday urn before we even reach the holiday's!

Here are a few tips to make those urns lush and green all holiday season through:

Prep is important!
Along with all of those luscious winter greens you will be picking up, don't forget to stop in at your local florist to pick up some floral foam!
Gather your clippers, a bucket of water and your floral foam, along with your greens and head out to the garden with us.

Step 1
Fill your bucket full of fresh warm water and gently drop your floral foam in!
Floral foam needs to soak from the bottom up, if you push it down then you will create a dry pocket in the center of the foam, that is a NO NO.

Step 2
While your foam is soaking move to your planter and clean out all of the plants from the season past.
with out removing to much soil, make a trench for your foam pieces to fit in.

Step 3
Grab your bucket of soaked foam and gently place your foam into the trenches you have made ... resist poking your fingers in the foam .. my kids love to make holes in it and you may too!
Fill in the gaps between the foam and around the edges of your urn to keep it all in place.
WATER your filled Urn to dampen the soil.

Step 4

Once you have prepared your pot you can start your design!
We suggest adding your large focal elements first, this ensures you have plenty of room for their bulky stems
(think birch poles, manzanita branches or even small pyramidal evergreens!)

Grab your clippers and your greens, It is time to design!
*** Always re-clip/cut the ends of your fresh greens before you add them in!
*** Make sure you insert the stems deep into the damp soil and foam.
*** You do not need to inser all of the stems into the foam but make sure the smaller branches make it in :)

Extra design tips
Start with your biggest pieces first, this will give you a boundary shape to stay within and it is best to start big rather then to add more to the size later.

Once you have determined your width and height with your biggest pieces, stand back and view your design. Check for even shape from all the sides it may be viewed!

Use plenty of textures and variety of winter greenery, working with the front and backs of your greens will add colour and texture depth (flip over your greens and you will see !)

Fill out your form and then go back in and add your additional decorations !

We are off to shop for some Urn BLING! 

P.S. be sure to keep your soil moist until the deep freeze comes. Once it get's truly cold your foam blocks with freeze everything perfectly into place all winter long!

Saturday, 29 June 2013 - we have been found!

We have a few Canadian wedding websites to ogle when wedding planning .. it is just plain factual. We were so stoked when approached by the Canadian wedding site "", asking to feature one of our most favorite wedding bouquets.
Of course we said YES!

We were totally honored to be chosen for the article "20 way's to make your wedding stand out". It was such a treat and we wanted to share it with you!
Don't you just love it eh? !

Please enjoy and give some Canadian love!

Find the article below!

20 ways to make your wedding stand out! 

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

A "Nomad style" summer

 A nomad (Greek: νομάς, nomas, plural νομάδες, nomades; meaning one roaming about for pasture, pastoral tribe.

Summer is here!
Schools out this week and the summer is packed full of good fun.
Here in Ontario we get at most, 3 months of SUMMER weather .. you know, the kind of weather you can justify cutting the grass in your bikini .. kinda weather.
Not that you will drive by 163 Chester and catch us doing such a thing!

What are you up too this Summer? this is the early summer conversation starter. It replaces the "weather talk".
Sometimes I shudder at the thought of answering this question. I am not a busy, busy person.
I am perfectly okay with lounging around enjoying the summer. I like to call it a "nomad style summer "
But some how I feel like I am doing my kids an injustice by "nomadding" it all summer long.
NO - summer camps
NO - evening/ saturday sports teams
NO - school work books
NO - rushing, hushing or stressing

What does our summer include ?
We have a ton of work to keep us busy along with camping, cottaging, picnicking, hiking, thrifting, gardening and grilling.
Don't get me wrong, we have "things that need to be done" laundry, grass cutting, cleaning, flower making, business marketing, paper work and the regulars of daily life, but this summer there will be no "time crushing"
This summer we are going to enjoy the PEOPLE in our lives. Nieces and Nephews, Nana's and Oma's, cousins, Aunts, Uncles and family friends. We are going to enjoy the "gifts of the season" summer sun, warm rain, veggies from the garden, Popsicle, bike rides, hiking the Bruce trail, swimming in the lakes and campfires.
The internet hours have been set, no turning back now. MY kids will learn what it was like to be a child of the pre internet era, they will learn to find "things to do" OUTSIDE.

If you want to ponder a Nomad life style and benefits it may (or may not) bring to your life, take a gander at this posting and let us know your thought's. *Warning, it can be a bit harsh and opinionated** not for the faint of heart but FOR the open minded!
*opinions expressed are solely the authors .. we are just gleaning a few pieces from it.
Try a few "nomad days" this summer, it might just feel good :)

The Krusty Sage: Your Kids Don't Need Your Stupid Success Track

So, let's put on some loose fitting clothes and flower crowns!  Roam with us for a while!

Monday, 24 June 2013

Always better with a model...

We take hundreds of pictures every week. Almost nothing is sent out with at least a mini photo shoot. It is just as important to have a lovely portfolio of our paper designs as we use to have for our fresh wedding designs.

If rushed for time we snap our designs in our backrop room with a vintage shabby chic dresser as our back drop.
Mel found the dresser while thrifting and she added a few coats of paint and a bit of glaze to add some distress, giving it the lovely shabby look.

However, we have found the photos Etsy favors are with a model. This meaning, most all of our front page or Etsy newsletter photos have been the ones chosen with a model in them.
So, we do take the time to photograph with Iris as our model. Often a white background is favorable for treasuries, we dress her up in a white dress or pretty blouse and she is off and running for our photos.

This week we were able to wrangle her in for a mini shoot before we hit the post office with our finished orders. She never likes her face to be included .. sometimes it has to be .. for example our halos ! but for these shots we just cut her off at the chin .. so to speak ;)
 Here are a few beauties to share with you.


Thursday, 20 June 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Alternative Blooms

YAY! It is up and running!

We were blessed to be found by Annette Hamm of CHCH morning live at the beginning of this year. We were contacted by her via our facebook page and with in the month were were invited to visit CHCH morning show for Wedding Wednesday!
Totally nerve wracking but so much fun. Annette is such a wonderful woman and she made me feel right at home on the set of CHCH TV.

We did not share this right away because our spot was not loading properly, it has been fixed!

If you want to know a little more about our business please feel free to check us out!

Wedding Wednesday: Alternative Blooms



Monday, 6 May 2013

Never simple - Alzheimer's ** long**

    We just want to thank all of you who have been so patient and gracious with us.
On the 3rd of May our hearts broke as we said goodbye to our Dad. Mel was with Dad and Mom as Dad slipped away from us.

As you may have gathered, our Dad had Alzheimer's disease. At age 60, after a battle with cancer, dad seemed a bit confused in the day to day activities of life. 
It is simple enough to explain away with the firm belief that "he was under a lot of stress" and that is why he seems a bit confused.

After cancer recovery Dad went back to work. When the winter came the shop was quiet so he was laid off.  The confusion was less evident to us because he spent his day's at work and resting when he arrived home.. until he was laid off ...
After a few years of this work pattern Mom decided it was time for Dad to retire. There is no need for a 62 year old to be lying under trucks on the side of busy highways in the rain, sleet and snow. Dad had earned his retirement from being a mechanic at a large paving company.

Mom decided it was a good time for her to retire too. And there they were, together again, ready to explore the world!  After a few weeks Mom started to notice some odd behaviors; trouble following directions, simple tasks seemed to take much longer, a change in personality (more irritable). Dad was always loosing his tools in his garage - we know because he would get in the truck and head down to the Canadian tire to buy new ones.

Conversations were had and Mom was told not to worry about it "he was just getting use to being retired, he will find his routine and be back to his old self"  Dad was getting a bit depressed. We think he knew what was happening but tried to hide it .. or ignore it. He soon became depressed.

The odd behaviors worsened and Mom started to ask BIG questions. I don't think any doctor wants to diagnose Alzheimer .. and so Dad's doctor tried to come up with every other possible reason for this change in Dad.  Our Grandma had Alzheimer's, Mom had seen this before and so she pressed on. After complete frustration she was finally able to make the doctor give Dad a "mini mental" .  That did not go well, when asked to turn the clocks hand to 2:15, my Dad could not do it, when he was asked what day it was, what season it was, what year it was ... none of those could he answer. During this interrogation (as he felt it was) he began to grow angry, he was looking to Mom for the answers but she could not respond.  It was heart breaking for Mom, there was no need to go any further, her fears were confirmed. Still, the doctor would not say the words, Mom needed a specialist for that.

A few weeks later they had the appointment at the specialist and yes, it was Alzheimer's.
Now what? Well, it was time to take his license away. Our dad was born with a wrench in his hand, he was always found peering under the hood of friends cars .. or even under them!
As we grew up many an evening we would be coaxed out into the garage to help him fix something under the hood. Mel and Dad rebuilt and engine together. Mel has tiny little hands and they were great for getting into small places that Dad's hands could not get into.
We lived with the fragrance of grease and oil, and it was comforting, it was our Dad's scent.
How do you take a license away from a purebred mechanic?
He was angry, but truth be told, Dad didn't drive to far or too much anymore. He would always handover the keys "here Melly, you drive". He knew but that didn't stop him being angry about it.

The disease progressed. It was hard for friends to watch .. so friends stopped coming around. Dad didn't know their name, couldn't make much conversation and would sometimes get angry in public for no apparent reason. He was a loose cannon and they were scared. It is a scarey disease, it robs you of who you are, it steals away your personality, it makes you behave in way's you would never want to behave and then it takes away your life by slowing tying up your brain into tangled webs , strangling out communication until you can not think how to eat, how to move, how to drink and then how to breath.

We did have a lot of angels around us. My parents have lived in their house over 40 years. My Grandpa had bought the property and built the house. Dad grew up in that home. Over time the neighborhood developed and Mom and Dad made new friends, new neighbors.
Dad was never around come dinner time .. you could always find him down the street helping someone or just chatting about the day. He was a social butterfly.
It was the neighbors who came through, they visited often, they helped with grass cutting and watching Dad while Mom went out. They even came running when Dad wandered down the street with a bee in his bonnet and Mom could not stop him or get him to come back.

There was another angel friend. Bill visited Dad every Friday. He brought coffee and donuts and conversation. He was wonderful. Living in a house with Alzheimer's can get pretty lonely. You can run out of things to talk about very quickly, especially when the conversation is filled with confusion. It is important for people with ALZH to be active and engaged, stimulating the brain keeps it working! Day programs became essential and over night stays at the V.O.N would give Mom a bit of rest.

Sundowners is something that most people living with ALZH go through. Near 4:00pm Dad would start to roam. He would open doors and close them, turn off lights and shut them off, move furniture from one side of the house to another, turn on and off the taps. This can go on for 2 or more hours. It is hard to watch. Eventually Mom had to Dad proof the house. She had stoppers put on all the doors, locks installed at the tops of doors and a alarm system that would make a sounds when the doors would open and close. She had to keep him safe and this meant keeping him in the house. Very heart breaking.

And Oh the things he broke. He was a fixer all his life but he could not keep his hands off things. Constantly taking things apart, stashing things away and just throwing stuff out!
It would be no surprise if your phone was missing by the end of the evening. Sometimes you could find the stuff, in his coat, his pocket or his top dresser drawer. Other times things went missing forever. Funny but scary moments like when he tried to cut his nails with scissors, or he could not figure out how to take off his thick leather belt .. so he just cut it off.. with what we don't know. We tried to have him wear an and metal ALZH bracelet .. but he ripped it off .. that must have hurt.

And the disease progressed. Mom had to take down or cover all the mirrors in the house. Why? because Dad would have conversations with the person in the mirror. He did not recognize himself. He did not know who we were either, his children. Dad tried so hard to be a good man. Until his last day you could hear him say "excuse me and sorry" to caregivers who helped him bathe and dress. We could take him for drives and he loved it, he would smile from ear to ear and of course we would stop for donuts or ice cream.

And the disease progressed. The point came when Dad refused to eat, he would not do it on his own. We tried to feed him but after a while he would refuse and clench his teeth.
He rapidly lost weight and became weak. It was time for Mom to move him to a home. By the grace of God a spot opened up at the Home that was my Moms first choice.

Dad had sleep apnea, he has worn the "mask" for years. It kept air flowing into his body helping him to sleep better. Sleep apnea is hard to explain Here is a link to find out more.
Dad found out he had it when we were in our teenage years. So he would have been in his early 40's. On the most basic scale people with sleep apnea stop breathing for periods of time when they are sleeping, there body then gasp's for breath as they wake. This happens many times a night and the sleep apnea sufferer never really get's a good nights sleep.
During the time the brain is deprived of oxygen .. which is really not good for the brain.
Couple sleep Apnea with ALZH and you have an accelerated rate of brain deterioration.

Dad only spent 4 weeks in the Nursing home. He was too weak because he was not eating and he would not keep his sleep apnea mask on. Soon he could not remember how to swallow.
The last 3 day's we were told that things did not look good and on Friday May 3rd at the young age of 68, Dad slipped away from us while fast asleep.

So once again we thank you for your patience as we digested the loss of our Dad.
We are back to work and filling our orders as quickly as possible (but with great care!)
Thank you also for taking the time to read this.

If you are curious about Alzheimer's, we have found social media, in particular twitter, very helpful. You can follow ALZH groups from all over the world, keeping up to date, asking questions and reading pertinent articles. We are by no means experts and we are only publishing our own views ... we are just lovers of someone affected by ALZH so please do your own research :)

Thanks for reading!

Aim & Mel

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Nor Cal Weddings!

We are pleased to be featured on the NorCal wedding blog this spring!
Please feel free to take a visit ! NORCAL Wedding

We have a few screen shots for you to enjoy!

Aim & Mel

Minty fresh

Hello Lovelies!
 We have been hard at work in the studio perfecting our dye colours. This week we have finished off our first mint hydrangea bouquet. This bouquet is part of an order for our client Rhianna.
Rhianna has 4 maids and a few little ladies in her wedding party, these lucky girls will get to hold and KEEP this fabulous bouquet! THAT IS SOOO COOL!

Check it out!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Images! Jill and John

Yes! we have received a lovely "Thank you" note from our Bride Jill.
She showered us with some amazing photography by Nashville's Lane Photography We will share some of those amazing shots here but feel free to parouse the Lane website and contact them if your tying the knot in Nashville!

Don't forget to check out more here at Lane Photography

Monday, 1 April 2013

Wedding season has started with a bang!

We have had an amazing beginning to wedding season with some truly wonderful and fun exposure!
Last month we were kickin it locally when we showed up in the City newspapers "Style" section and were interviewed on CHCH tv's Wedding Wednesday segment. HOW amazingly fun!
This month we have had a photo chosen to represent the bouquet section on the wedding category page on ETSY !
Here is a screen shot of the wedding section :)

We have been working on some amazing weddings and we have introduced our new line of FLORAL CROWNS.
We will leave you with a few of our FAVORITES