Tuesday, 25 June 2013

A "Nomad style" summer

 A nomad (Greek: νομάς, nomas, plural νομάδες, nomades; meaning one roaming about for pasture, pastoral tribe.

Summer is here!
Schools out this week and the summer is packed full of good fun.
Here in Ontario we get at most, 3 months of SUMMER weather .. you know, the kind of weather you can justify cutting the grass in your bikini .. kinda weather.
Not that you will drive by 163 Chester and catch us doing such a thing!

What are you up too this Summer? this is the early summer conversation starter. It replaces the "weather talk".
Sometimes I shudder at the thought of answering this question. I am not a busy, busy person.
I am perfectly okay with lounging around enjoying the summer. I like to call it a "nomad style summer "
But some how I feel like I am doing my kids an injustice by "nomadding" it all summer long.
NO - summer camps
NO - evening/ saturday sports teams
NO - school work books
NO - rushing, hushing or stressing

What does our summer include ?
We have a ton of work to keep us busy along with camping, cottaging, picnicking, hiking, thrifting, gardening and grilling.
Don't get me wrong, we have "things that need to be done" laundry, grass cutting, cleaning, flower making, business marketing, paper work and the regulars of daily life, but this summer there will be no "time crushing"
This summer we are going to enjoy the PEOPLE in our lives. Nieces and Nephews, Nana's and Oma's, cousins, Aunts, Uncles and family friends. We are going to enjoy the "gifts of the season" summer sun, warm rain, veggies from the garden, Popsicle, bike rides, hiking the Bruce trail, swimming in the lakes and campfires.
The internet hours have been set, no turning back now. MY kids will learn what it was like to be a child of the pre internet era, they will learn to find "things to do" OUTSIDE.

If you want to ponder a Nomad life style and benefits it may (or may not) bring to your life, take a gander at this posting and let us know your thought's. *Warning, it can be a bit harsh and opinionated** not for the faint of heart but FOR the open minded!
*opinions expressed are solely the authors .. we are just gleaning a few pieces from it.
Try a few "nomad days" this summer, it might just feel good :)

The Krusty Sage: Your Kids Don't Need Your Stupid Success Track

So, let's put on some loose fitting clothes and flower crowns!  Roam with us for a while!

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